All members of Pride in Health +Wellbeing and those submitting for the HWEI (regardless of membership) will be able to participate in the optional HWEI employee survey. This survey provides organisations valuable insights into employee attitudes beliefs and experiences of LGBTQ-inclusive care, as well as free text on what is being done well and where improvements can be made.
Each year the HWEI employee survey looks at employees’ understanding of the need for LGBTQ-inclusive service delivery, their access to resources to support them in providing inclusive care and their comfort levels in delivering inclusive care. This survey allows organisations to anonymously review their employees’ gaps in understanding, their knowledge of tools and inclusive care, or where there may be a disconnect between understanding the need for inclusion and putting it into practice. The survey is anonymous and open to all employees regardless of how they identify.
As a result of participating, service providers will receive a high-level analysis of their employees’ responses (individuals are not identified; only the name of the organisation participating).
PIHW has a variety of resources to assist organisations promote the survey employees, as well as some FAQs and background information to answer any questions.
HWEI Employee Survey reports
Survey FAQs
Do you need to be a member of Pride in Health + Wellbeing to participate?
You do not need to be a member of Pride in Health + Wellbeing to participate in the survey, all organisations are encouraged to participate.
How much does participating in the survey cost?
There is no cost to participate in the employee survey . The benchmarking tool (the Heath + Wellbeing Equality Index Submission) is also free.
How do I request to participate?
The link to submit your request will be above once opened
Are the surveys electronic?
Once you register your interest, you will receive some documentation for your organisation to review, then a week before the survey goes live you will receive your organisations unique survey URL so that you can share with your employees.
Are the surveys accessible?
The survey will work with screen readers and other accessibility software. The survey has also been designed to be as easy to use as possible for those with dexterity issues too.
Are the surveys anonymous?
Survey responses are linked to the organisation that coordinated the participation and aggregated responses will be used to review trends and best practice.
We do not collect identifying data from people who fill in the surveys. We also recommend that respondents do not put information or comments that will identify them in the free text fields. . Further information about this will be provided when you request your unique link.
When do the surveys open and close?
The 2024 Survey will open on the 9th of October and close in line with the HWEI Index submission due date (Monday 5th February 2024)
You can choose to publicise these surveys throughout this whole period or have a specific campaign period during which you will encourage completion. We have tried to make it as flexible as possible to fit in with your organisation’s other commitments during these months.
How do we publicise the survey?
Whichever method is best for you.
You may wish to email out the links, put up posters, or have a kiosk available in your service for employees to access. You can be as creative and flexible in distributing the survey as you need be, given the specific needs or your organisation.
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