- PIHW Supporting LGBTQ staff as they Work from Home
- Department of Health Covid-19 Infection Control Training – 30-minute training session
- ACON”s Covid-19 Infomation Clearing House – many resources including:
- ACON’s advice on Casual Sex and Social Distancing
- ACON’s advice on Coronavirus for LGBTIQ Communities and People Living with HIV
- ACON’s advice for Trans and Gender Diverse people
- ACON’s advice for Beating Stress and Anxiety during Covid-19
- ACON’s advice and Support for Problematic Alcohol and Other Drug Usage (various resources from Pivot Point)
- ACON’s Online forum Video “Covid-19 and our Communities” hosted by Maeve Marsden
- Dept. of Health Management Plan for People Living with a Disability
- Dept. of Health Management Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
- Advice for those who practice Chest Binding (images below)
- La Trobe Univerity: COVID-19: Impacts for LGBTIQ communities and Implications for services
- Equality Australia’s report – LGBTIQ+ Communities and COVID-19.
- Blackdog’s report on Mental Health Ramifications and COVID-19
- Department of Health Covid-19 Preparedness for Home and Community Aged Care video
- Supporting Children during Covid-19
- SBS – Corona Virus information translated into 63 languages
- Tina Dixon’s COVID-19 Resources for Asylum Seekers or Refugees
- Free financial counselling for anyone –
- Indigenous Health – Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia: Coronavirus Page
- Rights in the time of COVID-19 – Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led response (infographic) UNAIDS
Keep up to date with the latest information from
Other Support Services:
- Qlife 1800 184 527 (3pm–midnight AEST)
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
- Suicide Line 1300 651 251
- ACON 1800 063 060
- Twenty 10 Metro (02) 8594 9555 ; Regional 1800 65 2010
- Thorne Harbour Health 1800 134 840
- Switchboard (03) 9663 6733

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