Somewhere over the Rainbow – Guide to Rainbow Tick Preparation
Pride in Health + Wellbeing (PIHW) membership can support and mentor your organisation in preparation for Rainbow Tick accreditation!
Many organisations have a goal of having their organisations Rainbow Tick (RT) accredited, providing structure for their LGBTQ inclusion work and Many organisations have a goal of achieving Rainbow Tick (RT) accreditation, which provides a structure for their LGBTQ inclusion work and boosts visibility. The Rainbow Tick framework requires a high level of dedication, and once achieved, shows a high level of LGBTQ inclusion within an organisation’s service delivery. Pride in Health + Wellbeing membership can support your organisation to achieve the Rainbow Tick framework and to go onto accreditation, if that is your goal.
What is the Rainbow Tick?
The Rainbow Tick is an inclusion and accreditation framework developed by Rainbow Health Australia at La Trobe University for LGBTQ inclusive service delivery for health and human services organisations
Services can include the six standards as part of their cycle of service accreditation or can apply to do the Rainbow Tick as a stand-alone assessment subject to ongoing reassessment and quality improvement.
There are two parts to the Rainbow Tick:
- Establishing an inclusion framework
- The accreditation step.
Organisations can do just part 1 or parts 1 and 2.
What are the Rainbow Tick standards?
Rainbow Health Australia (RHA) has defined this framework within 6 standards:
- Organisational Capability
- Workforce Development
- Consumer Participation
- A Welcoming and Accessible organisation
- Disclosure and Documentation
- Culturally Safe and Acceptable Services
There are many supporting resources made freely available by RHA to help you in implementing this framework HERE
What is involved in the Accreditation step?
An organisation can then choose to have its inclusion validated through the accreditation process. This is a rigorous audit against the Rainbow Tick standards that takes place in two parts:
- Your own desktop audit and evidence gathering that is sent to the auditors, and
- Onsite audit to verify evidence, interviews with staff and service users and site visits.
To pass accreditation, make sure you are ready before beginning the auditing process to avoid the cost and the need for another third-party audit.
Accreditation is provided through independent assessment, provided by Quality Innovation Performance and Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
5 steps we recommend when preparing for Rainbow Tick?
- Review the Rainbow Tick framework and standards,
- Complete a gap analysis of your current services – PIHW have a 2-minute gap audit tool here,
- Participate in the annual free Health + Wellbeing Equality Index to gauge your readiness,
- Work with LGBTQ-inclusion experts to fill your knowledge gaps and work with you on best practice for your framework, and
- Consult with LGBTQ communities about their unique needs.
More Rainbow Tick Information Here
Where can we get support with our Rainbow Tick?
ACON’s Pride in Health + Wellbeing program can provide expert support to assist you to establish or embed your LGBTQ inclusion (and to achieve Rainbow Tick accreditation if desired)
- Mentoring your organisation,
- Review your direct care provision and service delivery practices
- Review policy and process review and design,
- Review forms and data collection practices,
- Assist in establishing an Ally Network,
- Quality improvement planning,
- LGBTQ Risk management,
- Advocacy and community engagement,
- Establish stakeholder engagement and inclusive referral processes,
- Personalised staff development and training,
- Gathering community feedback,
- Measure your RT audit readiness,
- Answer your questions and be your trusted implementation partner.

More about Rainbow Tick Accreditation
The Rainbow Tick is an LGBTQ-inclusion framework owned and developed by Rainbow Health Australia and La Trobe University. Rainbow Tick accreditation is achieved by services demonstrating their adherence to the Rainbow Tick Standards. An organisation’s alignment to the Rainbow Tick standards is currently audited by QIP or the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards across Australia.
More about the framework and many resources are available online at www.rainbowhealthaustralia.org.au/rainbow-tick
Rainbow Tick Facts and Frequently Asked Questions
What does RT cost?
It depends…
There is no cost to download and use the Rainbow Health Australia RT tools, however, there is a cost if you want to attend HOW2 training on how to complete RT accreditations.
The cost for the accreditation part of the process is dependent upon the size and complexity of the audit including the number of services and number of staff in the organisation. The two accrediting agencies can advise of indicative costs.
What support is there in establishing our framework within our organisation?
Rainbow Health Australia has established the HOW2 training to explain the accreditation and get you started in your LGBTQ inclusion.
Pride in Health + Wellbeing can then assist you in establishing, or embedding this framework across your organisation. It used a combination of mentoring, consumer voice and evidence-based best practice to uplift your practice. Find out about the different membership types here
We recommend you measure your inclusion before committing to accreditation. You can use our free annual benchmarking index – the HWEI, if you are not doing well in the index then you will not be ready for RT accreditation.
There are also other consultants who operate in this space.
How long does RT accreditation last?
3 years
At the end of 3 years, you will need to be re-accredited or your accreditation will lapse.
How does this relate to Rainbow Tick?
The HWEI index acts as a health check on your Rainbow Tick readiness.
The HWEI covers many of the same areas of competence as the Rainbow Tick, so completing the HWEI is good preparation for a Rainbow Tick accreditation process, if this is your end goal.
The HWEI will also identify any areas of improvement for your organisation, allowing you to be thoroughly prepared before the audit. The HWEI also is a good way to gather your evidence in preparation for Rainbow Tick accreditation.
Learn more about the HWEI benchmarking index and surveys here
Where do I go for more information or for any questions that I have?
Please contact your Relationship Manager if you are a Pride in Health + Wellbeing Member
Otherwise call our office on (02) 9206 2139 and one of our team will be able to assist.